

By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article


“No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it.”  ~Guy H. King

God is very much like a best life-time friend that is ALWAYS there for us. Yet, He is also much more than that.  He is not only the friend, but also like your Father. Our God has given us the ability to be able to TALK to Him…to be able to PRAY. To be able to pray is a powerful blessing since our prayers are listened to our powerful God.




By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article


Many people in the world believe they are saved. Maybe they even want to be saved, but are heading in the wrong direction.

~There was a man one day working in an airport. A lady that only knew Spanish walked up to him and was trying to ask him for help. The man finally decided that she was asking for help in finding her airplane. He looked at his watch, shrugged, and motioned for the elderly lady to follow him. As they were walking he noticed she was carrying a heavy bag. So, being the gentleman, he took it from her for him to carry.

At the airplane gate, he showed her how the numbers on her ticket matched the numbers on the airplane gate and pointed for her to go there. Showing that she understood with a nod and a smile, she suddenly spoke in English…

“You go Heaven.”

With that, she grabbed her bag and shuffled away.~




By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Something else intresting, Weekly article

Teenage Girl Shot to Death for Embracing Christ

This week something else, a news article:

Nurta Mohamed Farah, 17, had fled parents who tortured her.
NAIROBI, Kenya, December 3 (CDN) — A 17-year-old girl in Somalia who converted to Christianity from Islam was shot to death last week in an apparent “honor killing,” area sources said.




By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article

Tuesday: Music

With so many different types of instruments and music in the world these days, it’s very hard for Christian teens to truly understand what music is considered ok and what music is considered wrong. So many different churches and so many different believes…which one do I follow?
It is important for us not to find our answers in other people or other things. Which means I don’t want you to find your answer in this article either. Even after we look through the Bible together…you should be able to search on your own for more answers through God’s Book.




By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article

Friday article: Is God Your #1?

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3)
…the first commandment that God gave us.

Sounds like one of the easiest commandments, right? Because of course you don’t have any wooden idols around your house and you have more sense then to believe and worship the sun as your god….

When you place something…anything…before God then that thing automatically becomes your master or lord. For example we can use money. The Bible does say that money is the root of all evil. It is very common in this world that people will do anything for money. So, back to my example, lets say your boss says he will double the money he gives you per hour if you just work every Sunday morning. Would you say yes? Would you decline his offer? Or would you be the rare one that would take advantage of this time and tell your boss the importance of going to church on Sunday? Money can be a god.
Money can be YOUR god.




By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article

Tuesday article: Thank YOU

‘O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.’ ~Psalms 136:1

In times of trouble, in times of need, in times of happiness and joy, in times of pain and in times of excitement…no matter what you are going through, remember to always thank God for the good AND bad in life.  “You mean I should thank God for the BAD in life?”, you ask. YES! Even the bad in life! Continued…



By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article

I finally got the lyrics

After searching for some time I finally got the lyrics of the song ‘Coming for me’.

Brother Andrew: I spoke here and then…one of the hardest sermon’s I’ve ever preached, what do you say to a group that has just lost half the congregation, including the pastor. Then they all stood up, the surviving group, and they sang a SONG to us…what strength!



By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article

Friday article: God’s Word

Crystal looked back down the long school hallway. No Levi in site. She signed as the butterflies rushed out of her stomach and slammed her locker shut a little too hard. Rumors has been flowing through the small school that Levi wanted to talk to her….and about something good too, her friends had predicted. It was hard to stay mad at someone you think you could love.

Luckily Levi wasn’t in her next class.

She slipped into a seat by the door before Mr. Chalk could yell at her for being tardy and let her own books fall onto her desk. The bell rang as she pulled her bangs back out of her face…she felt sick.
Mr. Chalk immediately started talking about his day after he told them what page to turn their math books to. “What’s this?”,Chrystal almost said aloud. She pulled out a notebook from inside her math book. Her eyes quickly read the tittle on the front.





By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article

Coming for Me – Open Doors Youth



By ~God’s princess<3

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Categories: Weekly article

A new article: Trust

This article, written by God’s Princess, is about Trust, …. just go and read it.

” Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct they paths.” ~Proverbs 3:5-6

“Dear God,” I had prayed, “WHY does it feel like your gone? I don’t understand…aren’t you supposed to be here when I need you most? You promised in Your Word that You would never leave me nor forsake me…so where are you now??” I was going through a really hard time. When everything seemed to be getting better, it would all suddenly get worse. Everywhere I turned I felt like that was just another thing that was trying to knock me down. Worse, I felt like God just wasn’t there anymore…
